
Entity Definition

Logical Name : Trade-In-KindTenderLineItem
Physical Name : TR_LTM_TRDN_TND

A sub-type of TenderLineItem for retailers who accept various goods in part-payment for merchandise. Eg: white-ware retailers will give $100.00 credit an an old (working) appliance, when purchasing a new similar appliance

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TransactionID (FK)(PK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32)
RetailTransactionLineItemSequenceNumber (FK)(PK) The sequence number of line item within the context of this RetailTransaction. IC_LN_ITM LineNumber smallint
WorkerID (FK) A unique system-assigned identifier for the Person who is a particular Worker. ID_WRKR Identity integer Worker(PA_WRKR)
TypeCode (FK) Defines the permitted trade-in type TY_TRD_IN Code2 char(2) Trade-InType(CO_TYP_TRDN)
ValuationMonetaryAmount The monetary valuation of the traded-in item. The valuation can be either valued instore, to a central location or a third party. MO_VLN_TRD_IN Money decimal(16,5)
CertificateID The unique identifier of the certificate bearing the agreed valuation amount of the traded-in item. This certificate will be accepted in part or whole exchange of another item in this or another company store. ID_CF_TRD_IN Identity integer
Name The name of the person offering the traded-in item. NM_TRD_IN Name varchar(40)
Address1 The first line of the address of the person offering the traded-in item. A1_TRD_IN Address varchar(80)
Address2 The second line of the address of the person offering the traded-in item. A2_TRD_IN Address varchar(80)
City The city component of the address of the person offering the traded-in item. CI_TRD_IN City varchar(30)
State Thestate component of the address of the person offering the traded-in item. ST_TRD_IN State char(2)
PostalCode The postal address or zip code of the address offering the person of the traded-in item. PC_TRD_IN PostalCode varchar(15)
TelephoneCountryCode The telephone country code of the person of the traded-in item. CC_TRD_IN PhoneNumberCountryCode char(3)
TelephoneAreaCode The telephone area code of the person of the traded-in item. TA_TRD_IN PhoneNumberAreaCode char(5)
TelephoneLocalNumber The telephone local number of the person of the traded-in item. TL_TRD_IN PhoneNumberCountryCode char(3)
ProofOfIdentityTypeCode A code to signify the nature of the proof of identity proffered by the customer to confirm name, address and ownership of the trade-in item. TY_IDN_PRF_TRD_IN Code2 char(2)
ProofOfIdentityID A unique reference id from the proof of identity proffered by the customer. ID_IDN_PRF_TRD_IN Identity integer


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
Trade-InType validates Trade-In-KindTenderLineItem
Worker assigns valuation for Trade-In-KindTenderLineItem
TenderLineItem can be a Trade-In-KindTenderLineItem

Logical Views containing Trade-In-KindTenderLineItem

Logical View
Logical 02300 - Retail Transaction - Macro View
Logical 02330 - Retail Transaction - Tender - Macro View
Logical 07040 - Customer Segment Dependent Behavior
Logical 11140 - Worker - Retail Transaction View